List of supported formats
This Converter supports over 613 input formats and 150 output formats.
List of supported input formats:
- .256 - Atari 8-bit
- .3 - ZX Spectrum
- .4BT - Commodore 64 GoDot
- .4MI - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 4 missiles
- .4PL - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 4 players
- .4PM - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 4 players and 4 missiles
- .64C - Commodore 64 8x8 font
- .A - Commodore 64 SEUCK sprites
- .A4R - Atari 8-bit Anime 4ever
- .A64 - Commodore 64 Wigmore Artist 64
- .AAI - AAI Dune image
- .AAS - Commodore 64 Art Studio
- .ACBM - Amiga Continuous Bitmap
- .ACS - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 font
- .AFL - Commodore 64 AFLI-editor v2.0 by Topaz Beerlin
- .AGP - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 graphic
- .ALL - Atari 8-bit Graph
- .AMI - Commodore 64 Amica Paint
- .AP2 - Atari 8-bit
- .AP3 - Atari 8-bit
- .APC - Atari 8-bit
- .APL - Atari 8-bit Atari Player Editor
- .APP - Atari 8-bit
- .APV - Atari 8-bit
- .ART - Artist by David Eaton
- .ART - Commodore 64 Art Studio
- .ART - Atari ST/STE Art Director
- .ART - Atari ST/STE GFA Artist
- .ART - Atari 8-bit Ascii-Art Editor
- .ART - Atari ST/STE Palette Master
- .ART - PFS: 1st Publisher
- .ARW - Sony Digital Camera Alpha Raw Image Format
- .ATR - ZX Spectrum Attributes
- .AVI - Microsoft Audio/Visual Interleaved
- .AVS - AVS X image
- .B&W - Atari Falcon ImageLab
- .BB0 - BBC Micro Mode 0
- .BB1 - BBC Micro Mode 1
- .BB2 - BBC Micro Mode 2
- .BB4 - BBC Micro Mode 4
- .BB5 - BBC Micro Mode 5
- .BBG - BBC Micro LdPic
- .BEAM - Amiga Multi-palette
- .BFLI - Commodore 64 Big FLI
- .BG9 - Atari 8-bit
- .BGP - Atari 8-bit Bugbiter APAC239i
- .BKG - Atari 8-bit Movie Maker background
- .BL1 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite block
- .BL2 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite block
- .BL3 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite block
- .BLD - Atari ST/STE MegaPaint
- .BM - Commodore 128 VDC BitMap
- .BMC4 - ZX Spectrum Border Screen Multicolor 8x4
- .BML - Commodore 64 FLI Graph 2.2 by Blackmail
- .BMP - Microsoft Windows bitmap
- .BMP2 - Microsoft Windows bitmap
- .BMP3 - Microsoft Windows bitmap
- .BPG - Better Portable Graphics
- .BRU - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite brush
- .BRUS - Commodore 128 BASIC 8
- .BSC - ZX Spectrum Border Screen
- .B_W - Atari Falcon ImageLab
- .CA1 - Atari ST/STE CrackArt
- .CA2 - Atari ST/STE CrackArt
- .CA3 - Atari ST/STE CrackArt
- .CALS - Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1 image
- .CCI - Atari 8-bit Champions' Interlace (compressed)
- .CDU - Commodore 64 CDU-Paint
- .CE1 - Atari ST/STE ComputerEyes
- .CE2 - Atari ST/STE ComputerEyes
- .CE3 - Atari ST/STE ComputerEyes
- .CEL - Atari ST/STE Cyber Paint Cell
- .CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile
- .CH$ - ZX Spectrum CHR$
- .CH4 - ZX Spectrum 4x8 font
- .CH6 - ZX Spectrum 6x8 font
- .CH8 - ZX Spectrum 8x8 font
- .CHE - Commodore 64 Cheese
- .CHR - Atari 8-bit Blazing Paddles font
- .CHS - Oric 6x8 font
- .CIN - Kodak Cineon Image Format
- .CIN - Atari 8-bit Champions' Interlace
- .CL0 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .CL1 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .CL2 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .CLIPBOARD - Windows Clipboard
- .CLP - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .CM5 - Amstrad CPC Mode 5
- .CMP - Atari ST/STE Public Painter
- .CMYK - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
- .CMYKA - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha samples
- .CP3 - Atari ST/STE Picworks
- .CPI - Atari 8-bit Marco Pixel Editor
- .CPR - Atari 8-bit Trzmiel (compressed)
- .CPT - Atari ST/STE Canvas (compressed)
- .CPT - Atari ST/STE Canvas (raster)
- .CR2 - Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
- .CRG - Atari ST/STE Calamus Raster Graphic
- .CRW - Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
- .CUBE - Cube Color lookup table image
- .CUR - Microsoft Cursor Icon
- .CUT - Atari 8-bit Cut Creator
- .CUT - DR Halo
- .CWG - Commodore 64 Create with Garfield
- .DA4 - Atari ST/STE PaintShop
- .DAP - Atari 8-bit VBXE SlideShow for VBXE
- .DC1 - Atari Falcon DuneGraph (compressed)
- .DCM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image
- .DCR - Kodak Digital Camera Raw Image File
- .DCT - Amiga DCTV
- .DCTV - Amiga DCTV
- .DCX - ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image
- .DD - Commodore 64 Doodle
- .DDS - Microsoft Direct Draw Surface
- .DEEP - Amiga TVPaint
- .DEL - Atari Falcon DelmPaint
- .DG1 - Atari Falcon DuneGraph
- .DGI - Atari 8-bit
- .DGP - Atari 8-bit
- .DHGR - Apple IIe Double High-Resolution
- .DHR - Amiga Multi-palette
- .DHR - Apple IIe Double High-Resolution
- .DIB - Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
- .DIN - Atari 8-bit
- .DIT - DrawIt
- .DLM - Atari 8-bit Dir Logo Maker
- .DLP - Commodore 64 Drazlace
- .DNG - Digital Negative
- .DOL - Commodore 64 Dolphin Ed
- .DOO - Atari ST/STE Doodle
- .DOT - Graph Visualization
- .DPH - Atari Falcon DelmPaint
- .DPX - SMPTE Digital Moving Picture Exchange 2.0 (SMPTE 268M-2003)
- .DR - Amiga Multi-palette
- .DRG - Atari 8-bit Atari CAD
- .DRL - Commodore 64 Drazlace
- .DRP - Commodore 64 Drazpaint
- .DRZ - Commodore 64 Drazpaint
- .DU1 - Atari ST/STE
- .DU2 - Atari ST/STE
- .DUO - Atari ST/STE
- .ECI - Commodore 64 ECI Graphic Editor
- .ECP - Commodore 64 ECI Graphic Editor (compressed)
- .EMF - Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
- .EPA - Award BIOS logo
- .EPDF - Encapsulated Portable Document Format
- .EPI - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
- .EPS - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPSF - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPSI - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
- .EPT - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
- .ESC - Atari 8-bit
- .ESM - Atari Falcon TmS Cranach Paint/Studio
- .EXR - High dynamic-range (HDR) file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic
- .EZA - Atari ST/STE EZ-Art Professional
- .F80 - Atari 8-bit The Last Word font
- .FAX - Group 3 TIFF
- .FBI - Commodore 64 Flip
- .FCP - Commodore 64 Face Painter
- .FD2 - Commodore 64 FLI Designer
- .FFLI - Commodore 64
- .FGE - Atari 8-bit Floor Designer
- .FGS - Commodore 64 Hires-Bitmap
- .FIG - FIG graphics format
- .FITS - Flexible Image Transport System
- .FLI - Commodore 64 FLI Graph 2.2 by Blackmail
- .FLI - Commodore 64 FLI
- .FN2 - Atari 8-bit Atari FontMaker
- .FNT - Atari ST/STE GDOS font
- .FNT - Atari ST/STE 8x16 font
- .FNT - Atari 8-bit 8x8 font
- .FNT - PC Image 72 font
- .FNT - MSX2 Dynamic Publisher font
- .FNT - Amstrad CPC 8x8 font
- .FP2 - Commodore 64 Funpaint
- .FPR - Commodore 64 FLI Profi
- .FPT - Commodore 64 Face Painter
- .FPX - FlashPix Format
- .FTC - Atari Falcon Falcon True Color
- .FUL - Atari ST/STE Canvas (raster)
- .FUN - Atari Falcon Funny Paint
- .FUN - Commodore 64 Funpaint
- .FWA - Atari 8-bit Fun with Art
- .G - Commodore 64 SEUCK font
- .G09 - Atari 8-bit
- .G10 - Atari 8-bit Graphics 10
- .G11 - Atari 8-bit Graphics 11
- .G2F - Atari 8-bit Graph2Font
- .G9B - MSX2+ V9990 VDP GFX9k
- .GCD - Commodore 64
- .GE5 - MSX2 Screen 5
- .GE7 - MSX2 Screen 7
- .GE8 - MSX2 Screen 8
- .GED - Atari 8-bit GED
- .GFB - Atari ST/STE DeskPic
- .GG - Commodore 64 Koala Painter (compressed)
- .GHG - Atari 8-bit Gephard Hires Graphics
- .GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
- .GIG - Commodore 64 Koala Painter
- .GIH - Commodore 64 Hires-Bitmap
- .GL5 - MSX2
- .GL6 - MSX2
- .GL7 - MSX2
- .GL8 - MSX2
- .GLA - MSX2+
- .GLC - MSX2+
- .GLS - MSX2+
- .GOD - Atari Falcon GodPaint
- .GPLT - Gnuplot plot files
- .GR1 - Atari 8-bit Mad Studio
- .GR2 - Atari 8-bit Mad Studio
- .GR3 - Atari 8-bit Mad Studio
- .GR7 - Atari 8-bit Graphics 7
- .GR8 - Atari 8-bit Graphics 8
- .GR9 - Atari 8-bit Graphics 9
- .GRAY - Raw gray samples
- .GRAYA - Raw gray and alpha samples
- .GRF - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .GRP - MSX Screen 2
- .GUN - Commodore 64 Gunpaint
- .HAM6 - Amiga Hold-And-Modify 6
- .HAM8 - Amiga Hold-And-Modify 8
- .HBM - Commodore 64 Hires-Bitmap
- .HCI - Atari 8-bit
- .HCM - Atari 8-bit Hard Color Map
- .HDR - Radiance RGBE image format
- .HDR - Radiance RGBE image format
- .HED - Commodore 64 Hi-Eddi
- .HEIC - Apple High efficiency Image Format
- .HFC - Commodore 64 Hires FLI by Crest
- .HGB - Amstrad CPC HinterGrundBild
- .HGR - Apple II High Resolution
- .HIM - Commodore 64 Hires Manager by Cosmos
- .HIP - Atari 8-bit Hard Interlace Picture
- .HIR - Atari Falcon Print-Technik
- .HIR - Oric
- .HIR - Commodore 64 Hires-Bitmap
- .HLF - Commodore 64 Hires Interlace by Feniks
- .HLR - ZX Spectrum Attributes Gigascreen
- .HPC - Commodore 64 Hi-Pic Creator
- .HPGL - HP-GL plotter language
- .HPI - Commodore 64 Hires-Bitmap
- .HPK - Atari ST/STE Dali (compressed)
- .HPM - Atari 8-bit Grass' Slideshow
- .HR - Atari 8-bit
- .HR - TRS-80
- .HR2 - Atari 8-bit
- .HRG - Timex 2048 Hi-res Gigascreen
- .HRM - Atari ST/STE HighresMedium
- .HRS - Oric
- .HRZ - Slow Scane TeleVision
- .HS2 - PC Handy Scanner 2000 POSTERING
- .HTML - Hypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
- .IB3 - Atari Falcon ICDRAW icon
- .IBI - Atari Falcon ICDRAW icon
- .IC1 - Atari ST/STE Imagic
- .IC2 - Atari ST/STE Imagic
- .IC3 - Atari ST/STE Imagic
- .ICE - Atari 8-bit Interlace Character Editor font
- .ICN - Psion Series 3
- .ICN - Atari 8-bit ICE CIN
- .ICN - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite icon
- .ICO - Microsoft icon
- .IFF - Amiga Interchange File Format
- .IFF - Atari ST/STE Interchange File Format
- .IFF - Amiga HAM-E
- .IFL - ZX Spectrum Multicolor 8x2
- .IFL - Commodore 64 Gunpaint
- .IGE - Atari 8-bit Interlace Graphics Editor
- .IHE - Commodore 64 Interlace Hires Editor
- .IIM - Atari Falcon InShape
- .ILBM - Amiga Interleaved Bitmap
- .ILC - Atari 8-bit
- .ILD - Atari 8-bit Interlace Logo Designer
- .IMG - Atari ST/STE GEM Bit Image
- .IMG - ZX Spectrum Gigascreen
- .IMN - Atari 8-bit ICE MIN
- .INFO - Amiga Icon
- .ING - Atari 8-bit ING 15
- .INP - Atari 8-bit
- .INT - Atari 8-bit INT95a
- .IP - Commodore 128 I Paint
- .IP2 - Atari 8-bit ICE PCIN+
- .IPC - Atari 8-bit ICE PCIN
- .IPH - Commodore 64 Interpaint
- .IPT - Commodore 64 Interpaint
- .IR2 - Atari 8-bit Super IRG 2
- .IRG - Atari 8-bit Super IRG
- .ISM - Commodore 64 Image System
- .IST - Atari 8-bit Interlace Studio
- .J2C - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .J2K - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .JBIG - Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format
- .JGP - Atari 8-bit Jet Graphics Planner
- .JJ - Commodore 64 Doodle (compressed)
- .JNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics
- .JP2 - JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
- .JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
- .JPT - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .JXR - JPEG extended range
- .KFX - Atari 8-bit
- .KID - Atari ST/STE Fullscreen Construction Kit
- .KLA - Commodore 64 Koala Painter
- .KOA - Commodore 64 Koala Painter
- .KPR - Atari 8-bit Kompresor do Animatora
- .KSS - KSS-Paint
- .LBM - Amiga Interleaved Bitmap
- .LDM - Atari 8-bit Ludek Maker
- .LEO - Atari 8-bit Larka Edytor Obiekt
- .LP3 - Commodore 64 Logo Painter 3/3+
- .LPK - Atari ST/STE Dali (compressed)
- .LUM - Atari 8-bit Technicolor Dream
- .M2V - Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 2)
- .MAC - Apple Macintosh MacPaint
- .MAG - Maki-chan Graphics
- .MAG - MSX2 Maki-chan Graphics
- .MAG - Sharp X68000 Maki-chan Graphics
- .MAG - Maki-chan Graphics
- .MAN - Unix reference manual pages
- .MAP - Atari 8-bit Envision
- .MAP - Atari 8-bit EnvisionPC
- .MAT - MATLAB image format
- .MAX - Atari 8-bit XL-Paint MAX
- .MAX - MSX2 Maki-chan Graphics
- .MAX - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .MBG - Atari 8-bit Mad Designer
- .MC - ZX Spectrum Multicolor 8x1
- .MCH - Atari 8-bit Graph2Font
- .MCI - Commodore 64 True Paint
- .MCP - Atari 8-bit McPainter
- .MCPP - Atari 8-bit Paradox
- .MCS - Atari 8-bit
- .MG1 - ZX Spectrum MultiArtist 8x1
- .MG2 - ZX Spectrum MultiArtist 8x2
- .MG4 - ZX Spectrum MultiArtist 8x4
- .MG8 - ZX Spectrum MultiArtist 8x8
- .MGP - Magic Painter
- .MIC - Atari 8-bit Micro Illustrator / Graphics 15
- .MIC - Atari 8-bit Graph2Font
- .MIC - AtariGraphics
- .MIFF - Magick image file format
- .MIL - Commodore 64 Micro Illustrator
- .MIS - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 missile
- .MKI - Maki-chan Graphics
- .MLE - Commodore 64 Multi-Lace Editor
- .MLT - ZX Spectrum
- .MNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics
- .MON - Commodore 64
- .MONO - Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
- .MP - Amiga Multi-palette
- .MPEG - Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 1)
- .MPK - Atari ST/STE Dali (compressed)
- .MPP - Atari ST/STE Multi Palette Picture
- .MRW - Sony (Minolta) Raw Image File
- .MSL - Magick Scripting Language
- .MSP - Microsoft Paint version 1 or 2
- .MTV - MTV Raytracing image format
- .MUR - Atari ST/STE C.O.L.R. Object Editor
- .MVG - Magick Vector Graphics.
- .MrSID - Multiresolution seamless image
- .NEF - Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File
- .NEO - Atari ST/STE NEOchrome
- .NEO - Atari ST/STE NEOchrome Master
- .NEO - Atari ST/STE NEOchrome Master
- .NLQ - Atari 8-bit Daisy-Dot font
- .OCP - Commodore 64 Advanced Art Studio
- .ORF - Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
- .OTB - On-the-air Bitmap
- .P - ZX81 Sinclair BASIC
- .P11 - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .P3C - Atari ST/STE D-GRAPH (compressed)
- .P41 - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .P4I - Commodore 16
- .P64 - Commodore 64 Picasso 64
- .P7 - Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format
- .PA3 - Atari ST/STE Pablo Paint 2.5
- .PAC - Atari ST/STE STAD
- .PALM - Palm pixmap
- .PBM - Portable bitmap format (black and white)
- .PBX - Atari ST/STE QuantumPaint
- .PC1 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite
- .PC2 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite
- .PC3 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS Elite
- .PCD - Photo CD
- .PCDS - Photo CD
- .PCI - Atari ST/STE Tobias Richter Fullscreen Slideshow
- .PCS - Atari ST/STE PhotoChrome
- .PCT - MSX2 Dynamic Publisher screen
- .PCX - ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file
- .PDB - Palm Database ImageViewer Format
- .PDF - Portable Document Format
- .PEF - Pentax Electronic File
- .PES - Embrid Embroidery Format
- .PET - Commodore 64 PETSCII Editor
- .PFA - Postscript Type 1 font (ASCII)
- .PFB - Postscript Type 1 font (binary)
- .PFM - Portable float map format
- .PG0 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .PG1 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .PG1 - Atari ST/STE Graphics Processor
- .PG2 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .PG2 - Atari ST/STE Graphics Processor
- .PG3 - Atari ST/STE Graphics Processor
- .PGC - Atari Portfolio
- .PGF - Atari Portfolio
- .PGM - Portable graymap format (gray scale)
- .PGR - Atari 8-bit PowerGraphics
- .PI - NEC PC-98
- .PI - Commodore 64 Blazing Paddles
- .PI1 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS
- .PI2 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS
- .PI3 - Atari ST/STE DEGAS
- .PI4 - Atari TT
- .PI4 - Atari Falcon Fuckpaint
- .PI5 - Atari TT
- .PI6 - Atari TT
- .PI7 - Atari Falcon Fuckpaint
- .PI9 - Atari Falcon Fuckpaint
- .PIC - Atari 8-bit Graphic Arts Department
- .PIC - Sharp X68000
- .PIC - Atari ST/STE PaintPro ST
- .PIC - Atari 8-bit Koala MicroIllustrator
- .PIC - Psion Series 3
- .PIC - MSX2 Screen 8
- .PICON - Personal Icon
- .PICT - Commodore 128 BASIC 8
- .PICT - Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
- .PIX - TRS-80 Color Computer
- .PIX - Atari Falcon PixArt
- .PIX - Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
- .PL4 - Atari ST/STE
- .PLA - Atari 8-bit AtariTools-800 player
- .PLM - Atari 8-bit
- .PMD - Atari 8-bit PMG Designer by Henryk Karpowicz
- .PMG - Commodore 64 Paint Magic
- .PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG00 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG24 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG32 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG48 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG64 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNG8 - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNM - Portable anymap
- .PNT - Atari Falcon Prism Paint
- .PNT - Apple Macintosh MacPaint
- .PNTG - Apple Macintosh MacPaint
- .PP - Commodore 64 Pixel Perfect
- .PPH - Amstrad CPC Perfect Pix
- .PPM - Portable pixmap format (color)
- .PPP - Commodore 64 Pixel Perfect (compressed)
- .PPP - Atari ST/STE Pablo Paint 1.1
- .PS - Adobe PostScript file
- .PS2 - Adobe Level II PostScript file
- .PS3 - Adobe Level III PostScript file
- .PSB - Adobe Large Document Format
- .PSC - Atari ST/STE PaintShop (compressed)
- .PSD - Adobe Photoshop bitmap file
- .PTIF - Pyramid encoded TIFF
- .PWP - Seattle File Works multi-image file
- .PZM - Atari 8-bit
- .Q4 - NEC PC-98 XLD4
- .RAD - Radiance image file
- .RAF - Fuji CCD-RAW Graphic File
- .RAG - Atari Falcon RAG-D
- .RAP - Atari 8-bit Vidig Paint
- .RAW - ZXPaintyONE v2.0
- .RAW - Atari Falcon IMG Scan
- .RAW - Atari 8-bit XL-Paint MAX
- .RGB - Atari 8-bit ColorViewSquash
- .RGB - Atari ST/STE RGB Intermediate
- .RGB - Raw red, green, and blue samples
- .RGB - ZX Spectrum
- .RGB8 - Amiga Turbo Silver
- .RGBA - Raw red, green, blue, and alpha samples
- .RGBN - Amiga Turbo Silver
- .RGF - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot Graphics File
- .RIP - Rocky Interlace Picture
- .RLA - Alias/Wavefront image file
- .RLE - Utah Run length encoded image file
- .RLE - TRS-80 CompuServe RLE
- .RM0 - Atari 8-bit Rambrandt
- .RM1 - Atari 8-bit Rambrandt
- .RM2 - Atari 8-bit Rambrandt
- .RM3 - Atari 8-bit Rambrandt
- .RM4 - Atari 8-bit Rambrandt
- .RP - Commodore 64 Rainbow Painter
- .RPM - Commodore 64 Run Paint
- .RWH - Atari Falcon IMG Scan
- .RWL - Atari Falcon IMG Scan
- .RYS - Atari 8-bit Mamut
- .SAR - Commodore 64 Saracen Paint
- .SC0 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .SC1 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .SC2 - MSX Screen 2
- .SC2 - Atari ST/STE Paintworks
- .SC3 - MSX Screen 3
- .SC4 - MSX2 Screen 4
- .SC5 - MSX2 Screen 5 interlaced
- .SC5 - MSX2 Screen 5
- .SC6 - MSX2 Screen 6
- .SC6 - MSX2 Screen 6 interlaced
- .SC7 - MSX2 Screen 7
- .SC7 - MSX2 Screen 7 interlaced
- .SC8 - MSX2 Screen 8
- .SC8 - MSX2 Screen 8 interlaced
- .SCA - MSX2+ Screen 10 interlaced
- .SCA - MSX2+ Screen 10
- .SCC - MSX2+ Screen 12
- .SCC - MSX2+ Screen 12 interlaced
- .SCR - Timex 2048 Hi-res
- .SCR - Amstrad CPC Advanced OCP Art Studio
- .SCR - Timex 2048 Hi-color
- .SCR - ZX Spectrum
- .SCR - ULAplus
- .SCR - Commodore 64 PETSCII Editor
- .SCS4 - SAM Coupe Mode 4
- .SCT - Scitex Continuous Tone Picture
- .SD0 - Atari ST/STE Dali
- .SD1 - Atari ST/STE Dali
- .SD2 - Atari ST/STE Dali
- .SFW - Seattle File Works image
- .SG3 - Atari 8-bit Standard Graphics 3
- .SGE - Atari 8-bit Semi-Graphic logos Editor
- .SGI - Irix RGB image
- .SGX - Amstrad CPC SymbOS graphic
- .SH3 - Apple IIGS
- .SHAM - Amiga Sliced HAM
- .SHC - SAMAR Hi-res Interlace with Map of Colours
- .SHP - Atari 8-bit Movie Maker shapes
- .SHP - Atari 8-bit Blazing Paddles shape table
- .SHR - Apple IIGS
- .SHR - TRS-80 MagicDraw
- .SID - Multiresolution seamless image
- .SIF - Atari 8-bit Super-IRG Font
- .SKP - Atari 8-bit Sketch-PadDles
- .SPC - Atari ST/STE Spectrum 512 (compressed)
- .SPC - Atari 8-bit The Graphics Magician Picture Painter
- .SPD - Commodore 64 SpritePad
- .SPR - Apple II Sprites
- .SPS - Atari ST/STE Spectrum 512 (smooshed)
- .SPU - Atari ST/STE Spectrum 512 (enhanced)
- .SPU - Atari ST/STE Spectrum 512
- .SPX - Atari ST/STE Spectrum 512 (extended)
- .SR5 - MSX2 Graph Saurus
- .SR6 - MSX2 Graph Saurus
- .SR7 - MSX2 Graph Saurus
- .SR8 - MSX2 Graph Saurus
- .SRI - MSX2 Graph Saurus
- .SRS - MSX2+ Screen 12
- .SRT - Atari ST/STE Synthetic Arts
- .SS4 - SAM Coupe Mode 4
- .SSB - Atari ST/STE Sinbad Slideshow
- .STP - MSX2 Dynamic Publisher stamp
- .SUN - SUN Rasterfile
- .SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
- .SXG - Speccy eXtended Graphics
- .SXS - Atari 8-bit 16x16 font
- .TCP - Atari Falcon Rembrandt
- .TEXT - text file
- .TG1 - Atari Falcon COKE
- .TGA - Truevision Targa image
- .TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
- .TIM - PSX TIM file
- .TIM - PlayStation TIM
- .TIMG - Atari Falcon
- .TIP - Atari 8-bit Taquart Interlace Picture
- .TN1 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TN2 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TN3 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TN4 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TN5 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TN6 - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TNY - Atari ST/STE Tiny Stuff
- .TPI - Atari Falcon Prism Paint
- .TRE - Atari Falcon Spooky Sprites (compressed)
- .TRP - Atari Falcon EggPaint
- .TRP - Atari Falcon Spooky Sprites
- .TRU - Atari Falcon IndyPaint
- .TTF - TrueType font file
- .TX0 - Atari 8-bit Texture Maker0 16x16x16
- .TXE - Atari 8-bit Texture Editor by Mikey
- .TXS - Atari 8-bit
- .TXT - Raw text file
- .UYVY - Interleaved YUV raw image
- .VBM - Commodore 128 VDC BitMap
- .VIC - Commodore 64
- .VICAR - VICAR rasterfile format
- .VID - Commodore 64 Vidcom 64Paint
- .VIFF - Khoros Visualization Image File Format
- .VZI - Atari 8-bit VertiZontal Interlacing
- .WBMP - Wireless bitmap
- .WDP - JPEG extended range
- .WEBP - Weppy image format
- .WIG - Commodore 64 Wigmore Artist 64
- .WIN - Amstrad CPC Advanced OCP Art Studio
- .WMF - Windows Metafile
- .WND - Atari 8-bit Blazing Paddles window
- .WPG - Word Perfect Graphics File
- .X - display or import an image to or from an X11 server
- .X3F - Sigma Camera RAW Picture File
- .XBM - X Windows system bitmap, black and white only
- .XCF - GIMP image
- .XGA - Atari Falcon
- .XIMG - Atari ST/STE Extended GEM Bit Image
- .XLP - Atari 8-bit XL-Paint
- .XPM - X Windows system pixmap
- .XWD - X Windows system window dump
- .YJK - MSX2+ Screen 12
- .ZP1 - ZXpaintyONE
- .ZXP - ZX Spectrum ZX-Paintbrush
List of supported output formats:
- .A64 - Wigmore Artist 64
- .AAI - AAI Dune image
- .ART - PFS: 1st Publisher
- .AVS - AVS X image
- .BMP - Microsoft Windows bitmap
- .BPG - Better Portable Graphics
- .BRF - Braille Ready Format
- .B_W - ImageLab
- .CDU - CDU-Paint
- .CHE - Cheese
- .CIN - Kodak Cineon Image Format
- .CIP - Cisco IP phone image format
- .CLIPBOARD - Windows Clipboard
- .CMYK - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
- .CMYKA - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha samples
- .CWG - Create with Garfield
- .DA4 - PaintShop
- .DAP - SlideShow for VBXE
- .DCX - ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image
- .DD - Doodle
- .DDS - Microsoft Direct Draw Surface
- .DIB - Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
- .DOL - Dolphin Ed
- .DOO - Doodle
- .DPX - SMPTE Digital Moving Picture Exchange 2.0 (SMPTE 268M-2003)
- .DRG - Atari CAD
- .DRZ - Drazpaint
- .EPDF - Encapsulated Portable Document Format
- .EPI - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
- .EPS - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPS2 - Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPS3 - Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPSF - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
- .EPSI - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
- .EPT - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
- .EXR - High dynamic-range (HDR) file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic
- .FAX - Group 3 TIFF
- .FGS - Hires-Bitmap
- .FITS - Flexible Image Transport System
- .FPT - Face Painter
- .FPX - FlashPix Format
- .GCD - Giga CAD
- .GE8 - Screen 8
- .GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
- .GIG - Gigapaint Multicolor
- .GIH - Gigapaint Hi-Res
- .GR9 - Graphics 9
- .GRAY - Raw gray samples
- .GRAYA - Raw gray and alpha samples
- .HBM - Hires-Bitmap
- .HDR - Radiance RGBE image format
- .HED - Hi-Eddi
- .HIR - Hires-Bitmap
- .HRZ - Slowscan Television
- .HRZ - Slowscan Television
- .HTML - Hypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
- .INFO - Format and characteristics of the image
- .IPH - Interpaint
- .ISH - Image System
- .ISM - Image System
- .ISOBRL - ISO/TR 11548-1 BRaiLle
- .ISOBRL6 - ISO/TR 11548-1 BRaiLle 6 dots
- .J2C - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .J2K - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .JBIG - Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format
- .JNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics
- .JP2 - JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
- .JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
- .JPT - JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
- .JSON - JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format
- .JXR - JPEG extended range
- .KFX - KFX
- .KOA - Koala Painter
- .LUM - Technicolor Dream
- .M2V - Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 2)
- .MIFF - Magick image file format
- .MIL - Micro Illustrator
- .MNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics
- .MON - Mono Magic
- .MONO - Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
- .MPEG - Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 1)
- .MSL - Magick Scripting Language
- .MTV - MTV Raytracing image format
- .MVG - Magick Vector Graphics.
- .NGG - Nokia Group Graphic
- .NLM - Nokia Logo Manager
- .NOL - Nokia Phone Operator Logo
- .OCP - Advanced Art Studio
- .OTB - On-the-air Bitmap
- .OTB - On-the-air Bitmap
- .P64 - Picasso 64
- .P7 - Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format
- .PALM - Palm pixmap
- .PAM - Common 2-dimensional bitmap format
- .PBM - Portable bitmap format
- .PCD - Photo CD
- .PCDS - Photo CD
- .PCL - HP Page Control Language
- .PCX - ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file
- .PDB - Palm Database ImageViewer Format
- .PDF - Portable Document Format
- .PFM - Portable float map format
- .PGM - Portable graymap format
- .PI3 - DEGAS
- .PICON - Personal Icon
- .PICT - Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
- .PMG - Paint Magic
- .PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- .PNM - Portable anymap
- .PPM - Portable pixmap format
- .PS - Adobe PostScript file
- .PS2 - Adobe Level II PostScript file
- .PS3 - Adobe Level III PostScript file
- .PSB - Adobe Large Document Format
- .PSD - Adobe Photoshop bitmap file
- .PTIF - Pyramid encoded TIFF
- .RGB - Raw red, green, and blue samples
- .RGBA - Raw red, green, blue, and alpha samples
- .RGF - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot Graphics File
- .RP - Rainbow Painter
- .RPM - Run Paint
- .RWL - IMG Scan
- .SAR - Saracen Paint
- .SC8 - Screen 8
- .SGI - Irix RGB image
- .SHTML - HTML image map
- .SKP - Sketch-PadDles
- .SR8 - Graph Saurus
- .SUN - SUN Rasterfile
- .SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
- .SXG - Speccy eXtended Graphics
- .TGA - Truevision Targa image
- .TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
- .TXT - Raw text file
- .UBRL - Unicode BRaiLle
- .UBRL6 - Unicode BRaiLle 6 dots
- .UIL - X-Motif UIL table
- .UYVY - Interleaved YUV raw image
- .VICAR - VICAR rasterfile format
- .VIFF - Khoros Visualization Image File Format
- .VOLLABEL - Apple Volume Label
- .WBMP - Wireless bitmap
- .WDP - JPEG extended range
- .WEBP - Weppy image format
- .XBM - X Windows system bitmap
- .XGA - XGA
- .XPM - X Windows system pixmap
- .XWD - X Windows system window dump